Back then, when I used to work in PHP, I deployed my sites on 000webhost. The idea of anything called “version control” meant nothing to me. A friend also once said, “Bro, you should consider using any source code management tool. It’s thrilling to see you change production code inline.” I said, “source code what?”.

Later, when my codebase grew; database calls, helper functions and whatnot; I realised why my friend was so thrilled.

I mastered the typical noob’s way of doing version control, how? Simple. Copy and rename the “project” folder to “project-1”, and do shit in the main “project” folder. Hmm, smart, right? LOL.

This was the way until I came across seniors in my college.

Seniors then introduced me to what my friend had been shouting out loud till now - Git.

I came to know how it stores differences between commits, maintains a clean history (if you don’t deliberately mess that up) of versions, and other seemingly magical things it did.

Next thing you know is there’s a “.git” folder in all my projects.